Sunday, January 19, 2020

Helpful Hypnotism :: Short Stories Hypnosis Court Papers

Helpful Hypnotism I sat in amazement as the opposing lawyer went into a lecture about hypnosis. He was obviously very informed in the area and had a lot to say. All the members of the jury followed the lawyer back and forth with their eyes as he spoke his final words. Hypnotism is what I had based my entire defense on for the last month and now this scrub lawyer was schooling everybody in the courtroom. â€Å"What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word hypnosis? For most people it’s the crazy genie with a watch swinging back and forth in someone’s face, controlling their every action, and making them do things they normally wouldn’t. But this is far from the truth of what real hypnotism is. Hypnosis is a well-accepted method of alternative medicine (Alman). â€Å"Many psychologists and other doctors study and use hypnotherapy with their patients. This type of hypnosis is completely different than the one with the genie holding absolute power. In fact, there are many misconceptions about this type of hypnosis. Yes, there is a hypnotist that talks to a subject in a soft voice and says things to get a number of different reactions. But any person in their right mind wouldn’t run around bucking like a chicken and not know what is going on. Things like being unaware under hypnosis or the only one who can take you out of a trance is the one who put you in are not true. Truth is that many times people are more fully aware under a trance and anyone including yourself can get you out (Brenman 55). In fact many doctors don’t use the word trance when describing the relaxed state because the person is so aware. They feel that the word trance implies a different mind level or mental lapse and sends out the wrong idea to peop le who don‘t know the subject (Brenman 55). The lawyer paused for effect and took a sip of his drink. I went through a scenario in my head of me getting up and crow-hopping him in the jaw. The cocky bastard continued†¦ â€Å"To be hypnotized a person is often told to close their eyes to reduce distractions.

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